Assignment 6 - Demos

This assignment aims to get you to demo your progress throughout the term. In industry this is done to celebrate progress, so I’d like to do the same here.

You have 4 in-class demos. Attendance is mandatory or you will receive a 0 for that section unless extenuating circumstances arrive.

The demos should be (roughly) on these topics:

Demos should not be a high quality production. You can record your screen for a minute or 2, you can do it live, you can show us screen shots and discuss those… whatever you like. All we ask is that you show us progress.


  1. Demo is at least 2-3 minutes, but no more than 6 minutes (you will lose marks if you can’t tell your story in 6 minutes!)
  2. Demo shows progress
  3. Demo is not high quality with tons of production value behind it
  4. Demo shows us a story

Additional Notes

What is the purpose of this assignment?

This assignment helps you learn to effectively demo your work. This is an exercise often seen in industry, and you should be able to show off what you’re doing without much prep.

We expect all CSC491/2600 students to actively participate.


This assignment is an in-class demo and must be submitted synchronously in class.

Questions or Concerns?


ProgressShows some progress since the last demo. Describes the improvements, if they are on schedule, future plans, etc.35
ClarityShows us their project in a short and clear manner. Describes the area they are scheduled to present clearly and effectively. Is concise and tells a good story.35
ParticipationAll members present throughout the term and demos are evenly divided.30

Rating Scale

This scale is used for each line of the rubric above.

Outstanding, Thoughtful and thorough100% of pts
Strong, Provides some thought80% of pts
Acceptable, Simple explanation60% of pts
Insufficient, Little effort was made to give explanations40% of pts
Unacceptable, No effort was made or the section was missing0% of pts