Participation, Teamwork, and Communication

Participation and teamwork are important aspects of this course. As the course is a very experience-based course, and we are mimicking a startup, it is important that everyone participates and works together.

You are expected to be active in the following:

It is very important that you are meaningfully active on your team’s GitHub repositories. If it is noticed that you are not participating at all, we’ll have a talk to discuss the issue. If you do not correct for these actions, you may be subject to losing participation marks in CSC454/2527 as well.

Teams are required to enable and set up standups. CSC491 Students are required to answer the standups at least 8 of the 12 weeks, though they are recommended to answer every week for their team’s benefit.

I am not expecting you to be super outgoing (I’m certainly not the most outgoing myself) but I do expect you to be actively participating when you can. If there are concerns, please let me know in private so we can discuss any issues. Nothing here should be a surprise for you at the end of the term.

Note that some of these can be easily tracked (GitHub issues, Pull Requests, commenting on lectures, Slack Messages) and some of this will be based on observations from the teaching staff. We will also be expecting that you provide a written paragraph summarizing your participation.

Requirements for Participation

This entry is an individual submission on Quercus and only the teaching staff can see it. Participation will be marked as 0 for all sections on which it is indicated below.

Team Principles

In assignment 1 you will create a principles document outlining how often your team will meet, how they prefer to communicate, and how they prefer to work. While this is a living document and expected to change slightly throughout the term (with approval from the rest of your team), you are still expected to uphold the various principles contained within. If your team doesn’t see you at any meetings - for example - then you are not upholding your team principles.


GeneralParticipation on GitHub
  • Participated in GitHub Issues & Submitted GitHub PRs.
  • Due as you pass in your software.
Participation in lectures/courses
  • Participated in and viewed lectures, attended and engaged in-class presentations from guest speakers, demos, etc.
  • Online discussions in Slack (#discussions) have engaging, value adding comments to add to the discussion.
  • Team formation started/finished on time.
  • Due on the last day of classes.
Teamwork & Communication
  • Participated in all team work
  • Answered at least 8 weeks of standups thoughtfully
  • Adhered to team principles, communicated regularly/effectively, etc.
  • Provided substantial feature development / software to the course
  • Paragraph is provided in Quercus (-100% on this section if not provided).
  • Due as you pass in your software (April 09, 2025).

Please note that each section may not be split evenly between different aspects listed in that section. For example, you may have adequate issues made, but not have PRs submitted. You may be penalized more than 1/2 of that section’s marks. This is up to the sole discretion of the instructor.


You must submit the “Participation Assignment” in Quercus by the final due date (11:59:59pm on the last day of class). This comment should explain how you participated and help me corroborate the work I see in GitHub, Slack, and Class.

Questions or Concerns?

Rating Scale

This scale is used for each line of the rubric above.

Outstanding, Thoughtful and thorough100% of pts
Strong, Good effort and explanation given80% of pts
Acceptable, Some effort and explanation given60% of pts
Insufficient, Little effort was made40% of pts
Unacceptable, No effort was made0% of pts