How to do UX Research for A5?

I’m going to use a hypothetical ‘LearnSoftware’ app as an example. This app is intended to manage CSC491 course administration, replacing tools like Quercus and automating Github and Slack workflows.

For this application, I may ask the test user to perform a specific action given a prototype or the application itself.

For example, I may ask them to complete one of the following:

  1. “Please find your marked A3 and comment on it, tagging the instructor in the comment”
  2. “Please update your user profile with ‘extra links’”
  3. “Please find the lecture on diversity in the workplace and comment on it”

Once I ask the scenario, I sit back and take notes. I try not to react or influence the decision at all to bias their actions. If they ask me a question, I try to deflect it and say “What do you think?”. I don’t answer, but I take notes. If they are really stuck, I note that and may help them.

You’re looking for things that work well, but more importantly you want to note the things that don’t work well.

Given the raw notes from the session (which will be long and messy!), I would then summarize them and derive learnings from them. Next, I would update my roadmap with the learnings in mind.


This can be a paper prototype, a Figma Doc, a static HTML website, or anything else. See this page

Be sure to give a copy of the prototype in as part of the assignment.


It can be useful to record the session. Obtain permission first from the participant.


  1. Scenarios presented
  2. Overview of people interviewed
  3. Raw Notes
  4. Summarizes Notes
  5. Copy of Prototype
  6. Updated roadmap