Assignment 1 - Team Introduction, Team Setup

Create a blank repository in the DCSIL organization on GitHub for your team using the GitHub template here.

This repo will act as your company’s “homebase” and will contain design assets, company policies, marketing plans, etc. This repository should not contain your code. Please make new repositories in the DCSIL organization for your application code separately.

The intention of this assignment is to kickstart your company with a basic foundation and be a forcing function to get your team acquainted with each other. It will also see you form your “team principles”, a short 1-page description of the communication styles/requirements and responsibilities of your team and members.

You will be expected to work together and submit this assignment as a team. Anyone can submit it, I suggest using an issue on the repo you’re about to create to coordinate that submission (GitHub Issues are required to be created and used to coordinate work from all teammates, including CSC454/2527 people).

Example from a previous term. Requirements may have changed since this example, so make sure to check the requirements for this assignment.


Some of these requirements may be duplicated from CSC454/2527, you can use those materials. The repository must be set up like a company not a course. I do not want to see folders named “Assignment 1”, etc. except for the GitHub Release in the submission.

  1. Company name.
  2. A first version of your logo.
  3. Team Folder with profiles.
    • Include any relevant links to profiles or documents such as your GitHub profile, LinkedIn, Resume, Bio, Twitter profiles, etc
    • Be fun, write a small paragraph to help your teammates get to know you more
  4. Team Principles
  5. Leader election
  6. Slack team creation & stand-up workflow setup
    • Create a public channel named #team-<your-company-name-here> in the DCSIL slack
    • Set up a “Weekly check in” Slack Workflow in your team channel for standups
    • Bookmark your team repo created in this assignment to your team slack channel
    • Create a bookmark section for all other (future) repos your team owns
    • See #team-michelle-test for an example!
    • All team members must join the public team channel

What is the purpose of this assignment?

This assignment works to help you get to know your team. The team principles specifically is in place to help your team work effectively and understand what “effective” means. This will be a living document and can change throughout the term.

We expect all members of your team, including CSC454/2527 students, to participate in this assignment.

Why a repo?

While you may use a different medium in real-life, the intention in using a repo for this course is to allow you to version control your content. This will enable everyone to see the evolution of your company over time.

How to use this repo throughout the course

This repo is your homebase. When you have a decision, log it. Make use of issues, wikis, and projects as you see fit. However, make sure you describe how your team uses various communication methods in either the README or the Team Principles and update it with new decisions. Failure to describe this in the README will force the teaching staff to try and figure it out myself and will result in a lower communications grade.

Let the process evolve over time. Reflect on your processes, change them, record them.

There are two exceptions:

While you can work the way you want (except for the exceptions noted above), I’ve found this setup to be pretty useful for a “team repo”:

IssuesTrack questions and product roadmaps. These make a great decision log
Pull RequestsWhen you don’t like something, find an outdated line or link… change it using a PR. Tag others on your team to review. Aim for a 24-48H turn around on reviews for that.
WikiWhile these can be helpful, please do not use them as they are hard to find for our apps and team management tools
In-Repo DocsGeneral documentation can be laid out in markdown files in a folder structure that makes sense

This repository (for CSC491) will be setup like this, but may evolve over time.

Leader Election

You will elect a “leader” in your team. This person will be responsible for making product and business decisions for the build and making sure the build stays on track. While this leader can be from either class, the person will be required to manage the CSC491/2600 side so it may make sense to make this “decision person” from the CSC491/2600 side.

In your submission, tell us who your “leader” is. Note: this person will potentially change throughout the term.


You must create a release on your repo. This will give us a snapshot in time and allow us to grade it. See release body criteria and example below. Assignments without a coherent release body that follow the instructions in this assignment will be rejected and marked 1 day late. See release body criteria and example below. Assignments without a coherent release body that follow the instructions in this assignment will be rejected and marked 1 day late.

One member of your team (could be the team leader, or any other leader) must submit a link to the release in Quercus for ‘Assignment 1 - Team Introduction, Team Setup’. Only one team member needs do this.

Assignments are always due at 11:59:59pm Eastern Time.

Release Body

Release bodies must include:

Example release body demonstrating the written instructions

Questions or Concerns?


Company Logo & NameGood logo/name that represents a modern idea5.0
Team ProfilesTeam profiles include photos and profile links of all teammates, clearly lists expertises, and a short biography. This includes all CSC454 members.10.0
Leader SelectionTells us who they chose and why, what is their role for your team?15.0
Team PrinciplesThe team principles doc is a 1-page doc that covers: expectations of the team members, expectations for communication, roles and responsibilities, work delegation, etc.
The document will cover the entire team including CSC454/2527 students. An example can be found here
Participation & Teamwork (Individual Grade)Effectively worked as a team member and shared equitable work load during this assignment.
Communication was regular and effective & acted in accordance with team principles.

Rating Scale

This scale is used for each line of the rubric above.

Outstanding100% of pts
Strong80% of pts
Acceptable60% of pts
Insufficient40% of pts
Unacceptable0% of pts