While class attendance is mandatory, we will not be taking attendance. This is a senior computer science class with a highly competitive application process. As such, you are trusted to make the best choice for yourself and your team.
However, as stated in the team grade policy, team members all receive the same grade unless there is an obvious discrepancy in the output of work, then as per policy we will be forced to give you a different grade.
Attendance may be taken into account, specifically if you are consistently late/absent and you cannot work with your team (without talking to the instructor prior to class) you may see your team mark affected.
You must also remember that you are in a team. Your team members are counting on you to do your part. Don’t let them down.
Life happens. I am not going to penalize you for things that are outside of your control. Instead, I ask that you be open and communicate your needs with me whether that is lenience on an assignment deadline or that you may not attend class.
If you are sick and would like to participate in class still, then we can set up a Zoom call for your to join in remotely. Download, install, and set up Zoom as necessary to join lectures via Zoom, if able, when sick.
Please do not come to class if you are sick. I will not penalize you for not attending class due to an illness. Be open and communicate your needs so we can accommodate.
Please talk to the instructor by email or Slack.
While I do not need to know the exact details of what happened, just let me know what the issue is and how long you need to recover/return to normal work.
However, for extended absences or issues that persist past the end of the semester we may need to ask the University’s administration for input. We can work through that one together.